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NIT makes savings and investing simple, accessible and affordable. By investing in NIT you will get the following benefits:

• Sharing in diversified portfolio.

• Continuous attractive return.

• Expertise of experienced and professional managers.

• Tax benefits on investment.

• Easily en-cashable.

• Operations under strict adherence to Government regulations.
• Investment in NI(U)T units starts with a small amount of Rs.5,000/=.

• Qualify as collateral for availing bank financing.

• Full disclosure.

• Investor who wishes to choose the growth path, has the option  to
  reinvest his/her dividend income  in the existing fund by which he/she will 
  get additional Units equivalent to his/her dividend amount at the rate of opening NAV.

• NIT enables the common man to participate in the industrial growth of the country by
   becoming a part of that company.

• It helps to make ownership of the industrial projects more broad based.

• It minimizes the risk of investment as compared to individual investment in Stock Market.

• Investment decisions at NIT are based on company specific and sector related detailed
  analysis of information which may not be readily accessible to an individual.
• By investing in NIT units, the unit holder is indirectly investing in the
  shares quoted on stock exchanges and reaps the benefits of professional decision making.