Message from Mr. Adnan Afridi (Managing Director)
I warmly welcome you to the website of National
Investment Trust Limited – the pioneer of the Mutual Fund Industry in Pakistan.
NIT was incorporated in 1962 under Companies Act 1913. Today, NIT is a
well-recognized brand with a presence across the country through its branch and
distribution network. We are managing twelve funds namely National Investment Unit
Trust Fund (NI(U)T), Islamic Equity Fund (NIT-IEF), State Enterprise Fund
(NIT-SEF), Equity Market Opportunity Fund (NIT-EMOF), Government Bond Fund
(NIT-GBF), Income Fund (NIT-IF), Money Market Fund (NIT-MMF), Islamic Income
Fund (NIT-IIF), Asset Allocation Fund (NIT-AAF), Pakistan Gateway Exchange
Traded Fund (NIT-PGETF), Islamic Money Market Fund(NIT-IMMF) and Social Impact Fund(NIT-SIF). In addition to mutual funds we are also managing a
couple of pension funds i.e. NIT Pension Fund (NIT-PF) and NIT Islamic Pension Fund
In line with our Vision and Mission, our primary
objective is to provide superior returns to our unit holders while playing a
leadership role in the markets we participate in.
I am pleased to highlight that as a market
leader NIT takes pride in practicing The Code of Ethics and Standards of
Professional Conduct to the protect the interest of investors as well as to add
value for its stakeholders through the disclosure & transparency in
its operations. Further, at NIT we not only believe in compliance with all
mandatory requirements as prescribed in the Companies Act 2017, NBFC and NE
Regulations and the Code of Corporate Governance but in promoting these
practices in our investee companies. With investments in over 400 listed
companies and nominee directors in over 75, NIT plays a leading role in
protecting minority interests and promoting good governance across Pakistan’s
corporate sector.
Our new website and online portal reflects
our commitment to remain a pioneer in our industry. We would like our unit holders to have access
to us as well as to their portfolios 24/7 through their device of choice.
I urge you to visit our website frequently
And gives us your valuable suggestions on how to improve it further.